SpinaI Cord Central Nervous System

Concept Explanation

SpinaI Cord Central Nervous System

SpinaI cord - Central Nervous System:

It is a long cord which arises from the medulla oblongata and runs through the vertebral column (backbone). The vertebral column protects the spinal cord. The spinal cord it also covered by meninges. A cross section of the spinal cord shows the central canal, which it filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Around the canal are clusters of cytons, which form the grey matter. The peripheral part has mainly axons and is called white matter. From each side of the spinal cord two roots, the dorsal and the ventral root, arise. The dorsal root is joined by a nerve called sensory nerve, which picks up sensations from the sense organs (receptors). From the ventral root arises the motor nerve, which takes messages from the spinal cord to the muscles or glands (effectors).



Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

The vertebral column protects the ___________ from damage.

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

Fluid present in the spinal cord is _______________

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

The nerves arising from the spinal cord and brain are called as ________________ nerves respectively.

Right Option : A
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